Sunday, 26 January 2020

Graphic recording Tarot card (Waite-Smith) 01 Magician Vol 01 graphic fa...

Benefits of Graphic Recording

Graphic recording increases engagement and memory-retention for the audience.

Infographics are graphic visual representations of information, data, or knowledge intended to present information quickly and clearly.

This movie show timelapse drawing. Enneagram sketchnotes and Graphic facilitation.

Also, Tarot card and Enneagram personality type explanation.

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✅ 【ご挨拶 Welcome】

Hello and welcome to Persona's channel【CAFE MYSTIC SEA】!
I hope you ENJOY your time here.

はじめまして、Persona( ペルソナ ) です。

「思考ツール」 として カードシンボル を使っていきたい!
という方に向けた コンテンツ配信 もおこなっています。