Sunday 14 July 2019


How can you withdraw or take time off to renew yourself?

move on  phrasal verb 1 CHANGE JOB/CLASS to leave your present job, class, or activity and start doing another one 2 CHANGE/DEVELOP a) to develop in your life, and change your relationships, interests, activities etc b) to change, progress, improve, or become more modern as time passes 3 move somebody on British English to order someone to leave a particular place – used especially about police 4 CHANGE SUBJECT to start talking about a new subject in a discussion, book etc 5 CONTINUE JOURNEY to leave the place where you have been staying and continue to another place 6 TIME if time, the year etc moves on, the time passes 7 time is moving on British English spoken used to say that you must leave soon or do something soon, because it is getting late

move on 【句動-1】先へ進む[進める]、どんどん進む[進ませる]、進歩する、~に取り掛かる ・"I thought he was serious about our relationship.  I couldn't even imagine that he had another girlfriend!!" "Come on! He is not the only one guy in this world.  Let's move on and look for another guy!" 「彼、私たちの関係に真剣だと思ってたのに。他に女がいるなんて考えもしなかった!」 「もう!彼だけがこの世でたった一人の男じゃあるまいし。さっさと他の男探そうよ!」 【句動-2】(新しい話題に)移る、話題を変える ・Let's move on to the next item on the agenda.  次の議題に進みましょう。 【句動-3】より良い仕事に移る、昇進する 【句動-4】《野球》進塁する 【句動-5】~を口説く 【句動-6】立ち去る、立ち去らせる、立ち退く、立ち退かせる 【句動-7】気持ちを切り替える、あきらめをつける、ふんぎりをつける ・If he could give me a straight answer, I could move on.  彼がはっきり言ってくれれば、あきらめもつくんだけど。 ◆別れたいなら別れたいと言ってほしい、のたぐい ・ ■ Site ▶ https://ift.tt/2yFNPRo ・ ■ Youtube Live Channel ▶ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfF3WE177Lrn_tCiuW0EK2Q/featured ・ ■ Cafe Mystic Sea Circle ▶ https://ift.tt/2Ac99g4 ・

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