⭐️ What are you working on?
⭐️ あなたは何に取り組んでいますか?
■ Youtube Live Channel ▶ 💬
■ Cafe Mystic Sea Circle ▶ 💧
■ noun (BUILDING)
the structures below the surface of the ground that support a building:
■ noun (BEGIN)
1 an occasion when an organization, state, etc. is established:
2 an organization that has been created in order to provide money for a particular group of people in need of help or for a particular type of study:
3 the first year of infant school, previously known as reception:
1 (事の)基礎, 基盤, 土台, もと, (うわさ・報道などの)根拠, よりどころ
2 (建物の)土台, 基礎, いしずえ, 基盤(⇒BASE)
via Instagram http://ift.tt/2zH3aCs
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#タロット #tarot #タロットカード #tarotcards #スピリチュアル #spiritual #英語 #英単語 #English #勉強会 #Study #タロット占い #tarotreader #占い #fortuneteller #fortunetelling #写真 #photo #photooftheday #photography #inspiration #art #friends #follow #me #picoftheday #図解 #解説 #タロット部 #タロットトーク